AI Day 2021 to Bring Together Worlds Top-notch AI Experts and Researchers


AI Day 2021 to Bring Together Worlds Top-notch AI Experts and Researchers

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VIETNAM – 23 August 2021 – The online event AI Day 2021 – Empowering Innovations, organized by VinAI Research (the tech arm of Vingroup) will be held on August 27, 2021, aiming to unlock solutions to developing artificial intelligence in Vietnam.

The event anticipates up to 2,000 participants, for the first time bringing together the world’s top-tier experts in AI and leading researchers in Vietnam to share ideas and perspectives.

The event will be held online for 2 days, August 27- 28, 2021. The goal of AI Day 2021 is to promote AI research, development and application; contribute to solving challenging problems in the socio-economy; and help Vietnamese businesses apply new technologies to optimize their competitive advantages.

AI Day 2021 will feature 3 themes: “AI in Research and Development”, “AI for Innovations & Global AI Products” and “AI for Education”.

In particular, the topic “AI for Innovations” will bring new perspectives on the application of AI in solving business challenges. Moreover, at AI Day 2021, autonomous vehicles will be introduced to the Vietnamese public for the first time in terms of technical aspects and approach, with in-depth analysis from AI experts.

Key speakers at AI Day 2021 are the world’s most prestigious and influential AI researchers. One of them, Prof. Michael I. Jordan, the pathfinder of modern-day AI and Machine Learning (ML), will share his expert perspective on AI and speak at the first panel discussion on the morning of August 27. In 2016, he was named the “most influential computer scientist” worldwide by Science Magazine. Dr. Hung Bui (Director of VinAI Research) will join him in the discussion.

The world-famous speakers line-up at AI Day 2021 also includes Dr. Oren Etzioni (CEO of Allen Institute for AI – the research institute founded by late Microsoft co-founder, billionaire Paul Allen), Professor Masashi Sugiyama (Director, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project, Japan’s No. 1 Research Institute for AI), Dr. Marian Croak (Vice President of Engineering at Google), Royal Society Research Professor – Dr. Andrew Zisserman (Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford) and many other reputable experts.

“Over the years, AI has become an effective tool that helps solve difficulties as well as create many opportunities for Vietnamese businesses. Despite possessing great potential, the development of AI within the country still faces many challenges. As a leader in AI research and application in Vietnam, we aim to bring Vietnamese AI research and products to the world. Through AI Day 2021, VinAI wants to build a sustainable bridge between the world AI community and Vietnam, at the same time, help research teams and businesses solve challenges as well as improve technical competency, gradually reaching out to the world,” Dr Hung Bui, Director of VinAI Research shared.

This is the third time AI Day has been held in Vietnam, the event is expected to attract thousands of online participants. The innovations in the event program as well as the gathering of leading names in the industry have confirmed the constant growth of VinAI.

Nearly 3 years from establishment, besides world-class research papers published at the top-tier AI conferences such as ICML, NeurIPS, CVPR, etc., VinAI also laid the foundation for a future generation of AI professionals with the AI Residency program for outstanding university students.

After 2 years, the first batches of residents in the AI Residency program have published 15 research papers at leading AI conferences. Nineteen full PhD scholarships at universities in the top 20 for Computer Science have been granted to residents, who are on their way to continue their AI research dream.

VinAI is also the successful developer of advanced technologies such as the world’s top 6 facial recognition technology, AI perception algorithm in smart cars, driver monitoring system, and AI technology for data management. These products altogether contribute to bringing VinFast upcoming smart cars to Vietnam and global markets. In the future, VinAI will continue to enhance the commercialization of AI products to serve all potential customers in Vietnam and global market, with the goal of creating products with great values and best experiences for users.

“AI Day 2021: Empowering Innovations” will be live-streamed on VinAI Youtube channel for 2 days, August 27 and 28. Register to join the event here ( to get a chance to receive prizes from the organizers. For further information, please go to: