Trend Micro Announces World’s First Cloud-Native File Storage Security


Trend Micro Announces World’s First Cloud-Native File Storage Security

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Serverless tool provides malware scanning for compliance and security of files in cloud-based applications

Hong Kong SAR – 16 December 2020 – Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704), the leader in cloud security, today announced the world’s first cloud-native, fully serverless file storage security tool for organizations building applications in the cloud. Trend Micro Cloud One — File Storage Security is designed to mitigate threats across the cloud environment and support strict compliance requirements.

The explosion of cloud-based file and object storage presents a new attack vector for threat actors to target with malicious files. Cloud One — File Storage Security provides automated anti-malware scanning to keep information safe and ease compliance needs.

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“Global organizations are increasingly looking to public cloud providers to drive IT agility, cost savings and business growth. But while the provider deals with security of the cloud, the customer is responsible for everything inside their cloud environment,” said Mark Nunnikhoven, vice president of cloud research for Trend Micro. “This is a highly scalable, automated scanning tool that’s fast to deploy with no added infrastructure, allowing organizations to confidently store cloud files and data associated with their cloud applications.”

Backed by Trend Micro’s 30+ years of cybersecurity experience and industry leading threat intelligence, the tool blocks known bad files, and looks for hidden or changing malware variants.

The scanner itself is a lightweight, cloud-native serverless function that’s designed for minimal operational overhead. This architecture enables fast, seamless deployment and flexible integration with organizations’ existing custom workflows for added value.

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The tool supports various compliance requirements that call for anti-malware scanning of cloud files while maintaining data sovereignty.

Trend Micro Cloud One — File Storage Security is available now for AWS S3, with support for Microsoft Azure Blob storage and Google Cloud Storage coming soon.

Using Trend Micro’s Cloud One platform, teams can implement a range of security services and compliance checks without hindering agile cloud development and deployment. This single cloud-native security seamlessly complements and integrates with existing AWS, Microsoft® Azure™, VMware®, and Google Cloud™ toolsets.

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About Trend Micro
Trend Micro, a global leader in cybersecurity, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Leveraging over 30 years of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro enables resilience for businesses, governments, and consumers with connected solutions across cloud workloads, endpoints, email, IIoT, and networks. Our XGen™ security strategy powers our solutions with a cross-generational blend of threat-defense techniques that are optimized for key environments and leverage shared threat intelligence for better, faster protection. With over 6,700 employees in 65 countries, and the world’s most advanced global threat research and intelligence, Trend Micro enables organizations to secure their connected world