MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE Shopmatic Waives Hosting Fees for 90 Days to Support Small Businesses 7 Juni 20218 Juni 2021
Reimagining eCommerce. Shopmatic Launches a Whole New Range of eCommerce Solutions for Individual Entrepreneurs & SMEs in Emerging Markets MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE16 Desember 202028 Desember 2020
Shopmatic Achieves Revenues of S$5.5M with an EBITDA Margin of 30% and Aims to be a $100M Business in 4 Years MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE12 Oktober 202014 Oktober 2020
Shopmatic Brings a Volley of Power-packed Features, Aiding Merchant Discoverability & Success MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE7 November 201923 Juni 2020
Shopmatic Acquires CombineSell to Consolidate its Leadership Position in the e-Commerce Space MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE14 Oktober 201923 Juni 2020