MEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRECityneon Brings Avatar: The Experience To The Iconic Cloud Forest At Gardens By The Bay Singapore4 April 202211 April 2022
Cityneon Holdings and Warner Bros. Themed Entertainment Partner To Bring Unique Immersive Themed Art Experiences inspired by DC and the Wizarding WorldMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE16 Desember 202127 Desember 2021
Cityneon Expands its Presence in Middle East at Qatar Free Zones, Enhancing the Region Entertainment Technology IndustryMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE13 Desember 202120 Desember 2021
Experience World First-Ever Virtual Walk-Through of UNESCO World Heritage Site, Machu PicchuMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE30 Agustus 20212 September 2021
Cityneon Raises S$235 Million; Well Positioned for Next Growth ChapterMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE21 April 202125 April 2021
Cityneon to Tour Egyptian National Treasures Globally – Ramses The Great and the Gold of the PharaohsMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE3 Maret 20218 Maret 2021
Cityneon Forays into Historical Artefacts IP ExhibitionMEDIA OUTREACH NEWSWIRE10 Desember 202027 Desember 2021