Hasil Tinjauan Semester Kedua Tahun 2024 tentang IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (DAICS®)


Hasil Tinjauan Semester Kedua Tahun 2024 tentang IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (DAICS®)

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HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach Newswire – IX Asia Indexes hari ini mengumumkan hasil tinjauan semester kedua tahun 2024 tentang IX Digital Asset Industry Classification System (DAICS®). DAICS® bertujuan untuk menyediakan sistem klasifikasi yang transparan dan terstandarisasi bagi para profesional global untuk membedakan industri dan sektor aset digital tertentu.

DAICS® adalah sistem pertama di dunia yang memisahkan aset digital menjadi dua kategori: a) Mata uang kripto dan b) Token yang didukung aset dalam sistem 3 tingkatan dalam setiap kategori. Untuk mata uang kripto: Lapisan 1 – Industri / Lapisan 2 – Sektor / Lapisan 3 – Sub-sektor; Untuk token yang didukung aset: Lapisan 1 – Jenis Aset / Lapisan 2 – Cabang / Lapisan 3 – Sub-cabang (Lampiran 1). Hasil peninjauannya adalah sebagai berikut.

  1. Mata Uang Kripto
    i) Struktur dan Definisi
    Tingkat pertama: Perubahan industry

Jumlah industri tetap tidak berubah. 5 akan dipertahankan. Baik nama industri maupun definisi industri tidak diubah.

1) Pembayaran (110)
2) Infrastruktur (120)
3) Jasa Keuangan (130)
4) Teknologi dan Data (140) dan
5) Media dan Hiburan (150)

Lapisan kedua: Perubahan Sektor
Jumlah sektor akan tetap 16. Baik nama bagian maupun definisi bagian belum diubah.

ii) Perubahan klasifikasi
Tidak Ada Perubahan

iii) Koin Hijau
Ulasan ini menyertakan 9 koin hijau, ditandai dengan warna hijau pada tabel di bawah.

Energy Efficient Consensus Mechanism (Pos, PoH, PoA, Hashgraph) Renewable Energy Use
Payment Ethena USDeG (New)


Infrastructure (120) NIL SOLG


Financial Services (130) LEOG (New)

OKBG (New)

Tech & Data (140) NIL NIL
Media & Entertainment (150) PEPEG (New)

WIFG (New)



iii) Cakupan Pasar DAICS®
Cakupan Mata Uang DAICS®: 50 Mata Uang Teratas Berdasarkan Kapitalisasi Pasar Selama 90 Hari Terakhir
Cakupan pasar DAICS®: 89,32%*
Cakupan pasar 50 mata uang kripto teratas: 0,0802%
Perubahan Keanggotaan DAICS®: 5 koin baru ditambahkan, 6 dihapus

(Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang bobot sektor dan 6 perubahan anggota, silakan lihat Lampiran 4).

Per 9 Desember 2024, berdasarkan cakupan pasar semua mata uang kripto selama 90 hari terakhir (tidak termasuk token Wrapped dan token tata kelola DAO)
Catatan: G adalah mata uang kripto yang mengikuti “prinsip keberlanjutan”

**(Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang industri dan sektor aset, silakan lihat Lampiran 2 dan 3)

b) Perubahan pada token yang didukung aset
i) Struktur dan Definisi
Level 1: Perubahan dalam kelas aset

Kelas aset tetap pada 6

1) Budaya (205),
2) Properti (215),
3) Keuangan (235),
4) Hiburan (255),
5) Sumber Daya Alam (265), dan
6) Ekonomi Hijau (275)

Tingkat kedua: perubahan cabang
Jumlah cabang akan tetap 31.
(Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang kelas aset dan subsektor, lihat Lampiran 3).

ii) Perubahan klasifikasi

iii) Cakupan Pasar DAICS®

IX Asia Indexes belum mengklasifikasikan token yang didukung aset (ABT) apa pun. Ketika ada sejumlah besar token yang didukung aset populer di pasar, IX Asia Indexes akan menambahkan token yang didukung aset ke DAICS® pada fase berikutnya. IX Asia Indexes akan menyediakan daftar klasifikasi token yang didukung aset baru kepada publik. Meskipun jumlah ABT meningkat, ABT hanya menyumbang 0,106% dari total nilai pasar aset digital. (Ringkasan klasifikasi dan tabel definisi dapat ditemukan di Lampiran 5 dan 6)

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang metode klasifikasi DAICS®, silakan merujuk ke situs “Standar Klasifikasi Industri Aset Digital Global IX” – Prinsip dan Pedoman Klasifikasi.

Semua perubahan klasifikasi termasuk ixCrypto Infrastructure Index dan ixCrypto Stablecoin index akan berlaku pada 17 Januari 2025.

Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang kriteria kelayakan DAICS®, silakan kirim email ke

Untuk bagan di Lampiran 1-3, kunjungi

Appendix 4

In and out in DAICS®Top 50 cryptos

In Out
1. Sui (SUI) THORChain (THOR)
2. Artificial Superintelligence Alliance (FET) Lido DAO (LDO)
3. Ethena USDe (USDeG) Arweave (AR)
4. Aave (AAVE) The Graph (GRT)
5. Fantom (FTM) Theta Network (THETA)
6. Maker DAO (MKR)

Sector Weighting of the Classification System**

Industry Weighting (%)
Payment 70.406%
Infrastructure 22.616%
Financial Services 4.235%
Tech & Data 0.541%
Media & Entertainment 2.203%

*Special Currency Treatment of DAICS® applies
**Based on 9th Dec 2024
G: Green Label

Appendix 5

Classification of top 50 coins by Market Capitalization

Category Industry Sector Cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies Payment:

Blockchain based money, designed for transactional purposes. This includes daily transactions usage and stablecoins.

Transaction & Payment BTC








Stablecoin USDT






Bedrock blockchain that facilitates the operation of other decentralised applications. This includes the creation and running of dedicated blockchain platforms, achieving interoperability between networks, increasing the amount or speed of transactions etc

Application Development Protocol & Smart Contract ETH















Interoperability DOT


Scaling & Sharding POL





Supporting System Nil
Financial services:

Tokens that provide on-chain asset management services, crypto-exchange services, funding, lending and other capital markets related services

Exchange Tokens BNB




Lending & Borrowing AAVE
Staking Nil
Tech & Data:

Provision of data management and storage, and development of innovative crypto technology

Storage & Sharing FIL RENDER
Data Management Nil
Artificial Intelligence TAO


Media & Entertainment:

Recreational and media services. Including content creation and distribution, advertising through crypto-asset incentive mechanisms, gaming and collectibles

Social Media & Community DOGE




Streaming NIL
Gaming IMXG
Metaverse NIL

Note: G as ‘Green‘ labelling for cryptocurrencies that adhere to the principles of sustainability

Appendix 6

IX Digital Asset Industry and Sector Classification System (“DAICS®“)

Category Industry Sector Sector definition
Cryptocurrencies (1) Payment: (110)


Blockchain based money, designed for transactional purposes. This includes daily transactions usage and stablecoins.

Transaction & Payment


Cryptocurrencies that are used for store of value, unit of account, medium of exchange


Cryptocurrencies where price is pegged to a / a basket of, reference asset
Infrastructure: (120)


Bedrock blockchain that facilitates the operation of other decentralised applications. This includes the creation and running of dedicated blockchain platforms, achieving interoperability between networks, increasing the amount or speed of transactions etc.

Application Development Protocol & Smart Contract


layer-1 blockchain network that facilitates DApp creation and smart contract execution and smart contract


Network that increases inter-connectivity and integration of the fragmented cryptocurrency ecosystem
Scaling & Sharding


Networks that increase the ability to cope with the influx of many transactions at a time and blockchain network that can be split into smaller partitions, to improve scalability and process transactions quicker
Supporting System


Networks/sidechains that improve functionality of layer-1 network
Financial services: (130)


Tokens that provide on-chain asset management services, crypto-exchange services, funding, lending, and other capital markets related services

Exchange Tokens


Cryptocurrencies that represent the stable coin in the exchange ecosystem and allow users to covert from digital asset on decentralised or centralised system int fiat currencies
Lending & Borrowing


Borrowing and lending crypto assets with interest in return and other secondary financial tools derived from primary underlying asset, such as crypto futures and options


Holding and “staking” of certain amount of cryptocurrency in a wallet to facilitate network operations
Tech & Data: (140)


Provision of data management and storage, and development of

innovative crypto technology

Storage & Sharing


Crypto protocols that provide decentralized storage and/or sharing of data filing and resources.
Data Management


Networks/Protocols that facilitate the indexing and querying of data from blockchain(s), enabling efficient data retrieval and management for decentralized applications
Artificial Intelligence


Cryptos/Protocols that facilitate the use of AI powered apps or projects directly using blockchain platform.
Media & Entertainment: (150)


Recreational and media services. Including content creation and distribution, advertising through crypto-asset incentive mechanisms, gaming and collectibles

Social Media & Community*


Cryptos that provides mast social community and followers without a close secondary industry sector


Cryptos that provides rights to access decentralised video-streaming sites


Cryptos which mainly used in gaming or gaming supporting industry


Cryptos that is commonly used in collective virtual open space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical and digital reality. This includes the use of VR and/or AR and/or 3D.

DAICS® Asset Type Definitions

Category Asset Type Branch Sub -branch
Asset-Backed Tokens (2) Culture: (205)


Real asset relating to sports, art, cultural drama, festive collectibles and design IPs etc.



This shall be further developed in the future with more digital assets available in the market



Festive Collectibles


Design IPs


Drama and Play IPs


Real Estate:(215)


Assets that mainly derived its valuation from property, real estate, and land

Commercial Property


Residential Property


Governmental Property


Residential and Commercial Land


Financials: (235)


Real financial asset including listed company shareholdings on regulated centralised exchanges and private company shareholdings; debt instruments; property trusts and derivatives that settled on regulated exchange (CeFi and DeFi).

Tokenised Securities (Company Securities, ETF)


Tokenised Debts


Tokenised REITs


Entertainment: (255)


Ownership of the IPs assets in the area of entertainment in real world such as concert, play, shows, circus, musicals, songs, movies, games, events and programs, and souvenir collectibles that is derived from the above areas.



This shall be further developed in the future with more digital assets available in the market

Following definition of the United Nations

17 sustainable development goals²







All Other Entertainment Events and Collectibles


Natural Resources: (265)


Natural resources asset that derived directly from sea, sky, atmosphere and underground and can be classified as a commodity with standardisation such as precious metals, agricultural, energy and metals.

Precious Metals








Green Economy (275)


Ownership of Projects Asset that falls under the definition of the UN 17SDG²s, with over 80% of the income or jobs provided on these 17 initiatives.

No Poverty & Zero Hunger


Good Health and Well-Being


Quality Education


Gender Equality


Clean Water and Sanitation/Affordable and Clean Energy


Decent Work and Economic Growth/ Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure/ Partnerships for the Goals


Reduced inequalities/ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


Sustainable Cities and Communities/Responsible Consumption and Production


Climate Action


Life Below Water & Life on Land


² 17 tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan PBB yang meliputi 1) Tanpa Kemiskinan 2) Tanpa Kelaparan 3) Kesehatan dan Kesejahteraan yang Baik 4) Pendidikan Berkualitas 5) Kesetaraan Gender 6) Air Bersih dan Sanitasi 7) Energi Bersih yang Terjangkau dan Bersih 8) Pekerjaan yang Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 9) Industri, Inovasi dan Infrastruktur 10) Pengurangan Ketidaksetaraan 11) Kota dan Komunitas yang Berkelanjutan 12) Konsumsi dan Produksi yang Bertanggung Jawab 13) Aksi Iklim 14) Kehidupan di Bawah Air 15) Kehidupan di Darat 16) Perdamaian, Keadilan dan Institusi yang Kuat dan 17) Kemitraan untuk Mencapai Tujuan

Hashtag: #DAICS

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.