SINGAPORE – 6 January 2022 – Pazzi Robotics, a French kitchen software and robotics startup, recently announced the launch of fully-automated packaged solutions for the Food and Beverage (F&B) industry. The solutions range from food preparation to final assembly, based on fully-automated procedures performed by robots.
Pazzi Robotics launched their second automated pizzeria in Paris in summer 2021. The fully-autonomous restaurant uses Pazzi, a pizza robot, throughout the entire cooking process. No human intervention in the kitchen.
Customers can send their order requests via a mobile app or through the various touchscreen kiosks at the restaurant, and can collect their freshly-made pizza from a marked cubby, just a few minutes later.
This unique tech-based restaurant concept, with a robot-chef, attracted customers from all over the world, who are amazed to watch their food being prepared by robots in real time. The robots produce up to 80 gourmet pizzas per hour, allowing restaurant owners to focus more on customer experience and service.
The global food robotics market is expected to reach $3.1 billion by 2025. The pandemic has made the implementation of autonomous solutions in the F&B industry even more important, as it helps to effectively manage human resources and minimize contamination risks.
With Singapore moving towards Industry 4.0, the Government has come up with several initiatives to increase AI adoption in businesses, with numerous applications in robotics. Pazzi is a good example of how advanced robotics can help to deliver higher efficiency and safety in F&B.
Pazzi Robotics has spent 7 years to develop a disruptive and proprietary solution that combines software, data and precision robotics for fully automating the kitchen process end-to-end, from ingredients selection to finished quality dishes.
It aims to help the F&B industry address challenges such as staff shortage, resource management and productivity, hygiene and safety, value and quality to consumers. The pizzas from Pazzi restaurants in Paris are highly rated by consumers.