A Singapore Company Takes on World Education!


A Singapore Company Takes on World Education!

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#1 New York Times and Wall Street Journal best selling author writes about MindChamps

SINGAPORE – 5 August 2019 – MindChamps PreSchool Limited (MindChamps) has joined the ranks of internationally-renowned brands as the latest case study by Dr Joseph Michelli, featuring in his newest book The MindChamps Way — How to turn an idea into a global movement. Dr Michelli chose to study MindChamps in the same way as he did Airbnb, Mercedes-Benz, Starbucks and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company.

In the book, Dr Michelli shares how the unique philosophy and the values-driven strategies of MindChamps, with its growing presence on the world stage, has the potential to fundamentally shape the future of education systems across the globe, benefitting individuals, families, communities and countries.

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As a trained psychologist, Dr Michelli is deeply passionate about MindChamps’ impact. “What makes MindChamps special and other businesses and leaders can learn from is how they take their teaching principles and apply them to the entire company,” he said.

The MindChamps Way — How to turn an idea into a global movement demonstrates how a strong big-picture philosophy with a carefully planned and executed business strategy can inspire staff, clients and unlikely range of interested stakeholders . Detailing the research-driven pedagogy and company culture of MindChamps, Dr Michelli highlights how the organisation’s best practices provide applicable learning points for business leaders and HR professionals.

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“While both Cesar Ritz and David Chiem have built businesses that strive for transformational excellence, there is one fundamental difference between MindChamps and The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. That difference relates to the speed by which MindChamps has catapulted to international prominence,” Dr Michelli said.

Dr Michelli observed that the organisation’s success had been built on David’s firm belief in the 3-Mind education model — a forward-thinking learning framework that seeks to collaborate with experts in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, theatre and education — in and outside the classroom.

Beyond providing a roadmap for other companies to learn from, the book also shares a brief history of how David overcame adversity as a war refugee to lead and build a global preschool brand.

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Lessons from the Legends: The Michelli Experience
Dr Joseph Michelli will be in Singapore to conduct a workshop on 6 August, sharing insights from the four great brands that he has written about, including MindChamps.

His book MindChamps Way — How to turn an idea into a global movement is now available at all major bookstores.

“The companies (Mercedes-Benz, Starbucks & The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company) featured in my prior books demonstrate impressive brand power, but none of them have been in a position to fundamentally shape society on par with MindChamps.”